dinmoney on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dinmoney/art/mushroom-forest-113616357dinmoney

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mushroom forest



wallpaper version [link]

whew, havent worked on a painting for this long in a while...
WIP sketch [link]
WIP color base [link]

speedies are fun and very helpful, but you have to be able to finish too!learned a lot from this pic, theres probably lots of things wrong but whatever as long as its nothing major

trying gain more understanding of light and color

haha somebody eat one of the mushrooms and tell me what happens!

photoshop/ wacom/ ???hrs/ no refs
Image size
1650x2550px 920.11 KB
© 2009 - 2024 dinmoney
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Fantastic. Never seen such a great mix of colors in such a great setting. Love it.